property assessment FAQs

How do I find out who owns a certain property?

How do I pay my taxes?

How do I learn how much a certain property sold for?

How can I find more detailed information about a property?

How do I know if I am eligible to apply for an assessment exemption?

How do I change my mailing address?

How do I obtain a map of my property?

How do I dispute my property assessment?

How do I fix incorrect information about my property? 

How do I add, change or removea  name from my propery tax bill?

How do I find out about events happening in Boone County?

How can I obtain FREE advanced search information from the Boone County PVA without paying for a subscription?

Why do I get a "Session Limit" message when I try to log in?

Why are the deed page links not working?

Why do I get logged out when I try to print property details?

Why is the "My Account" box covering property information?

How is an assessment made?

Why did my assessment go up this year?

Why does the person down the street with all the land have a lower value than mine?

If I purchase property after January 1, when will I receive a tax bill?

Why can't I appeal my property assessment when I receive my tax bill?

What does the tax rate consist of?

I moved into my house in February but I can't get the Homestead until next year. Why?

I bought my house in April for less than the tax bill says. Why do I have to pay the higher amount?

The neighbor next door gets a discount, why don't I?

How much do I get off for the Homestead/Disability Exemption?

Can I get the Homestead/Disability Exemption for Commercial Property?

What determines the assessment of vehicles?

I do not agree with the value of my vehicle. How can I get it lowered?

I have either sold a vehicle or moved out of state. What do I do now?

I turned in all my vehicle information into the clerks office and I am still getting a tax bill. No one told me I had to come to the PVA also. Why don't your offices communicate?

My car was moved out of state. Why didn't that state notify you?

I junked my car and gave the title to the junkyard. Why am I still getting a bill?

Where did the assessed value on my tangible returns come from?


  1. How do I find out who owns a certain property?

    The PVA offers a free basic property search that will help you find information about property ownership and assessed property value. You can search by address, owner's name or by parcel ID. If you are looking for more detailed information, the PVA offers a subscription search service that provides more detailed information such as transfer history, property photos, improvement characteristics, property class, and tax information. See our subscription service area for more information.

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  2. How do I pay my taxes?

    The Boone County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for collecting property taxes. Please contact their office at 859-334-2175 with any issues concerning your property tax bill. They are located at 3100 Conrad Ln, Burlington, KY 41005.

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  3. How do I learn how much a certain property sold for?

    The PVA’s Subscription Search Service allows you to view the transfer history for any property in Boone County, when available. With the Subscription Search Service, you can search by address, sale price and date range, parcel ID, owner, or by legal description. We have limited transfer history.

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  4. How can I find more detailed info about a certain property?

    You can find information such as year built, square footage, number of bathrooms, and more listed in the "Property Details" section of any property report when logged into your Subscription Search Service. If you’re not signed up yet, find out more in the Subscription Search Service area.

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  5. How do I know if I’m eligible to apply for an assessment exemption?

    You can find out if you’re eligible for an exemption in the Exemptions section of this website. There you will find information on Homestead/Disability Exemptions, Exemptions for Religious Groups and Exemptions for Non-Profit Groups.

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  6. How do I change my mailing address?

    You can download the "Change of Mailing Address" form from the Forms and Tools section, or you can complete one electronically online by clicking HERE. If you are not the current property owner you will not be able to change the mailing address. If you are having the mailing address for a business you will also need to provide a letter of authorization to sign on their behalf. 

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  7. How do I obtain a map of my property?

    Property owners can print out a map of their property at the PVA office at no charge. Maps of any other property can be printed in our office for a small fee. Contact the PVA at 859-334-2181 or email for more details. (PVA maps are not legal documents and should be used for general reference only)

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  8. How do I dispute my property assessment?

    Each year, you can appeal your current property assessment. To learn more about how to appeal your assessment, visit the Appeals Process area.

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  9. How do I fix incorrect information about my property?

    If the PVA has information about your property that is inaccurate, you can call our office at 859-334-2181 to ensure it is corrected. Also, you may receive an assessment notice in the mail if your property’s assessment has changed. 

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  10. How do I add, change or remove the name on my property or tax bill?

    Although the Boone County Sheriff’s Department is responsible for the collection of the tax bill, all name changes are made in the PVA office. If you wish to add, change or remove a name on your property record and/or tax bill, you must record an official document such as a deed or will with the appropriate office or submit a death certificate to the PVA. Email or call 859-334-2181 if you have any questions.

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  11. How do I find out about events happening in Boone County? is a free service that allows followers (subscribers) to be notified via email or text of current events in Boone County. These notifications can be in the form of alerts, advisories, community, and traffic.

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  12. How can I obtain FREE advanced search information from the Boone County PVA website without having a subscription?

    An alert is an event that requires immediate action such as a spotted tornado, an Amber Alert, a Golden Alert, or perhaps an escaped inmate from the jail. We’ll use an advisory to notify residents of crime trends such as car break-ins and suggest precautions. Community would include information concerning a citizens academy class or junior deputy graduation. Traffic is currently used the most frequently warning motorists of major accidents and suggesting alternate routes to take. is much like Twitter with the added benefit of security. Residents can be assured if they receive a notification from it originated from the Boone County Sheriff’s Department.

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  13. Why do I get a "Session Limit" message when I log in?

    You have reached the maximum number of users for your current account. If you are the only user of this account, you may not have clicked the "Logout" link at the top right when you finished using the PVA system. As such, your previous session is held for up to 15 minutes.

    If you need more than one user accessing the site at the same time you can upgrade your account to increase the number of sessions on the My Account page. If you need more than 10 users, please call the PVA office to discuss a custom account.

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  14. Why are the Deed Page links not working?

    You may be using Internet Explorer 6.0. You can determine your current browser by selecting the "Help" menu from the browser’s application bar at the top. At the bottom select "About Internet Explorer". A new window will appear that will provide your browser’s version number.

    In order to take advantage of newer technologies, the PVA website no longer supports Internet Explorer 6. There are many sites that are ceasing support for this browser including Google, Amazon, and State of Kentucky websites by the end of this year. It is strongly recommended that you upgrade your browser to Internet Explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8. Alternative, you can download Firefox if Internet Explorer 6 is required by your office. All of these are available as a free download and can be found by a Google search.

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  15. Why do I get logged out when I try to print property details?

    You may be using Internet Explorer 6.0. You can determine your current browser by selecting the "Help" menu from the browser’s application bar at the top. At the bottom select "About Internet Explorer". A new window will appear that will provide your browser’s version number.

    In order to take advantage of newer technologies, the PVA website no longer supports Internet Explorer 6. There are many sites that are ceasing support for this browser including Google, Amazon, and State of Kentucky websites by the end of this year. It is strongly recommended that you upgrade your browser to Internet Explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8. Alternative, you can download Firefox if Internet Explorer 6 is required by your office. All of these are available as a free download and can be found by a Google search.

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  16. Why is the "My Account" box covering property information?

    You may be using Internet Explorer 6.0. You can determine your current browser by selecting the "Help" menu from the browser’s application bar at the top. At the bottom select "About Internet Explorer". A new window will appear that will provide your browser’s version number.

    In order to take advantage of newer technologies, the PVA website no longer supports Internet Explorer 6. There are many sites that are ceasing support for this browser including Google, Amazon, and State of Kentucky websites by the end of this year. It is strongly recommended that you upgrade your browser to Internet Explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8. Alternative, you can download Firefox if Internet Explorer 6 is required by your office. All of these are available as a free download and can be found by a Google search.

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  17. How is an assessment made?

    Boone County Property Valuation Administrator’s duties are to discover, list and value all properties within the county. Property not exempted from taxation is to be assessed for taxation at its fair cash value, estimated at the price it would bring at a fair voluntary sale. The PVA is charged with assessing all property equitably and accurately. Learn more about the Property Assessment process.

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  18. Why did my assessment go up this year?

    Your assessment is often based on what comparable homes are selling for in your neighborhood. Also, your property is usually only revalued once every four years. The increase reflects all four years worth of appreciation.

    House Bill 44 was enacted to limit the increase of countywide tax revenue to 4% per year. This is a very complex formula that dictates only the tax rate, not the assessment value. Although, our office strives to keep up with the fair cash value of every home in Boone County, sometimes the reality is that market values have increased that much in your neighborhood. We would be happy to meet with you any time to discuss the sales and reasons behind your assessment.

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  19. Why does the person down the street with all the land have a lower value than mine?

    The person down the street from you with acreage may have a lower value because they qualify for an Agricultural and Horticultural Exemption.

    Property (usually defined as greater than 10 acres actively used for an agricultural or horticultural purpose) has a specific agricultural value and is not taxed the same as a residence. It is a tool designed to help farmers be able to afford their land. It would be infeasible for farmers and landowners to pay the tax on their full fair cash value.

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  20. If I purchase property after January 1st, when will I get a tax bill?

    If you purchased property after January 1st of any tax year, you will not receive a tax bill in your name, until the following year. (in example: if you bought a house January 15, 2010, you will not receive a tax bill until October, 2011). Depending on when you purchased the property (normally prior to August 1), your name will appear as a c/o or not at all.

    However, depending on your closing statement, you may be required to pay the tax bill in the previous owners’ name. This should be an adjustment of your closing costs and determined at the time of closing. Taxes will be based on the current years assessment value which may be different than your sales price.

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  21. Why can’t I appeal my property assessment when I recieve my tax bill?

    You cannot appeal your property’s assessed value when you get your tax bill due to KRS 133.045 which dictates the appeal period to be the first Monday in May and to extend for two weeks thereafter. The assessments must be finalized before the tax rates are calculated. Learn more about the Appeals Process.

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  22. What does the tax rate consist of?

    The tax rate consists of a state tax rate, a county tax rate, a city tax rate (if applicable), a library tax rate, a health tax rate, an extension office rate, health rate, a fire district rate and a school district rate.

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  23. I moved in my house in February, but I can‘t get the homestead until next year? Why?

    Real Estate taxes are determined AS OF JANUARY 1st. You will not be eligible for the Homestead Exemption until you are in the property, as of January 1st.

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  24. I bought my house in April for less than the tax bill says. Why do I have to pay the higher amount?

    Real Estate taxes are determined AS OF JANUARY 1st. Therefore, the value at that date is what our office has determined to be the value at the beginning of the tax year. Your real estate taxes may be adjusted for the purchase price the following tax year. However, you are responsible for paying the entire amount of the tax bill.

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  25. The neighbor next door gets a discount? Why don’t I?

    The exemption your neighbor may be getting is a special exemption because they are elderly or disabled.

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  26. How much do you get off for the Homestead/Disability Exemption?

    The Homestead/Disability Exemption for 2018 is $37,600 which comes off of your assessment every year for both county and city taxes.

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  27. Can I get the Homestead/Disability Exemption for Commercial Property?

    You may get a Homestead/Disability Exemption for Commercial Property only if you own AND occupy the building (e.g. you live on the second floor of the commercial building). Learn more about the Homestead/Disability Exemption.

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  28. What determines the assessment of vehicles?

    All automobiles, trucks, boats, boat trailers, motorcycles, aircraft, and recreational vehicles must be assessed as of January 1 of each year. Motor vehicles are generally taxed in the county of registration. If you have assessment questions regarding motor vehicles or boats, please contact the Motor Vehicle Department at 859-334-2181.

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  29. I do not agree with the value of my vehicle. How can I get it lowered?

    The PVA may be able to lower the value of your vehicle if you have excessive mileage or damage. If you have assessment questions regarding your motor vehicle assessment, please contact the Motor Vehicle Department at 859-334-2181.

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  30. I have either sold a vehicle or moved out of state. What should I do now?

    To remove your vehicle from the tax roll, you can supply the PVA with either: 1) A copy of a bill of sale or 2) A copy of the front & back of the KY title indicating you transferred the vehicle. If you moved out of state, you may provide the PVA with a copy of your new title, or a copy of your registration. 3) Provide a letter from your insurance company (on their letterhead) stating the VIN # and the date you canceled the vehicle off of your policy.

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  31. I turned in all my vehicle information to the clerks office and I’m still getting a tax bill. No one told me I had to come to the PVA also. Why don’t your offices communicate?

    While we do our best to share information, it is often difficult with the influx of people and data to do so all the time. The County Clerk is a county office and the PVA office is a separate state office.

    We are working everyday to bridge these communication gaps that may sometimes overlay.

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  32. My car went out of state. Why didn’t that state notify you?

    Other states do not make Kentucky aware when a vehicle is transferred out-of-state.

    Unfortunately, you have to contact both offices to ensure that the vehicle has been properly removed from one state and registered in another state.

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  33. I junked my car and gave my title to the junkyard. Why am I still getting a tax bill?

    If you junked a vehicle you may still receiving motor vehicle tax bill because the junkyard does not always let our office know when they receive a "junked" vehicle.

    Please make a copy of the front and back of the title and fax it in our office with the Motor Vehicle Affidavit.

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  34. Where did the assessed value on my tangible returns come from?

    Your tangible property assessed value is based on the tangible return you filed with our office in May.

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Learn what you need to know about property assessments.

Data last updated: 03/25/2025


Property is assessed per KRS 132.220 on January 1st of each year. The data listed on our website reflects the most current data available to the PVA office. If you believe any data provided is inaccurate, or if you have any comments about this site, we would like to hear from you.

While the Office of the Property Valuation Administrator has attempted to ensure that the data contained in this file is accurate and reflects the property’s characteristics, the PVA makes no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of this data. The PVA does not assume any liability associated with the use or misuse of this data.